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Indirect Tax 
Are You At Risk?

With ever changing tax laws and 12,000+ taxing jurisdictions in the US, it's more challenging than ever to stay compliant

Our Services


Taxability, voluntary disclosure analysis, short term personnel augmentation, department strategy, and other indirect tax consulting needs


Lightweight desktop application design and development as well as third party software implementation assistance


Leveraging robotic process automation (RPA), data wrangling tools, and thoughtful process engineering allows you to focus your efforts on more beneficial tax department activities


Overpaid sales and use taxes are a cash management issue that can be a black eye for the Tax Department; instead, fund upcoming projects and initiatives with those overpaid taxes


Review the tax department function for process and technology gaps, highlighting areas of exposure and assist with remediation


We are

Endlessly curious indirect tax professionals, solving unique challenges

Evond is a boutique tax consulting and technology firm. We partner with clients large and small, in all industries, to identify opportunities and take action.

Evond is led by Brad Schulze who has over 18 years of indirect tax consulting experience. Focus includes technology development, third party technology implementation, exposure remediation, reverse audits, process reviews, and tax department transformation.

Brad Schulze headshot

Let’s partner, solve, and repeat


© 2022 by Evond

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